Thursday, July 29, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Happy 5 Month Sons
today wiwin dah 5months..... mummy harap Arman n Aryan jadi good boy ( walaupun malam tadi buat mummy sakit jiwa kejap) but i still love both of u 4ever... Moga jadi anak yg soleh..taat pada perintahNYA... moga menjadi kanak2 yg pintar..bijak dan kuat... dan semoga ceria selalu dan sihat2 belaka ye..AMIN...... :)) loves you my sons....

Friday, July 23, 2010
Bumboo Seat
Product Descriptions :-
The Bumbo Baby Seat is a snug and cozy environment for your baby. This revolutionary infant chair is uniquely designed according to the baby's posture. The Bumbo enables babies to sit upright all by themselves! Bumbo Baby Seats are suitable for babies from as young as six weeks (or as soon as they can support their own heads unaided) to an age of approximately fourteen months.
This award winning infant chairis manufactured to the highest safety standards from low-density foam material, which makes it lightweight and portable. It is soft and comfortable for the baby, safe, hygienic and nontoxic. The integral outer skin of the material is durable and easy to clean.
The Bumbo Baby Seat is versatile and can be used safely and conveniently anywhere on any level surface, and is definitely the extra set of hands you have always been looking for?- the perfect gift for that special occasion.
The Bumbo does not require any uncomfortable straps or fasteners. It is designed so that the baby's own body weight keeps baby in place and gives a wonderfully new way to ensure maximum interaction and enjoyable communication with your child.
| Innovative
| Benefits

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Aryan in walker
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cute Blogger Award

Friday, July 9, 2010
Kereta Baru???

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Followers Pulak Hilang!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tolongla Saya....
Yeah Dah Lengkap.............

Friday, July 2, 2010
Sweet Cute Baby Smile Contest

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Blog Award From Mrs Mama
hurm puji.. ok la ok la Mrs Mama sporting habis sbb kasi aku award ni...hahaha ( ok tak)
3. Anda mesti bagi tahu 10 Bloggers tadi
Ok babeh....
4. Bagaimana anda boleh digelar blogger yang best
Oh sbb aku sorang yg best...so everything about me mmg best...hahaha poyonya..... ( sila jgn muntah darah ) hiksssssssssss
Comel ke saya Mummy macam ni????